
Authenticity Guarantee Policy:

At French Avenue, we take great pride in offering only authentic luxury preloved handbags. We understand the importance of trust and confidence when it comes to investing in designer pieces, which is why we have implemented a rigorous authentication process to ensure the authenticity of every item in our collection.

We meticulously examine every aspect of the handbag, including the quality of materials, stitching, hardware, logos, and serial numbers, to verify its authenticity.

With every purchase with French Avenue, you will receive a Certificate of Authenticity from a third party. This certificate serves as documentation of our commitment to authenticity and provides assurance to our customers.

In the rare event that you have any concerns regarding the authenticity of your purchase, we offer a hassle-free return and refund policy. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we are dedicated to resolving any issues promptly and professionally.

At French Avenue, we stand behind the authenticity of our luxury preloved handbags with confidence and integrity. Shop with peace of mind, knowing that each piece in our collection has been carefully authenticated to meet the highest standards of quality and authenticity.